On an extremely high note, I know who my host family is and where i will be staying in Argentina. The picture (above) shows you my host siblings! :D Yes there are five, but three are in college. I am very exited! My host sister Rosario is my age. I also know we have one thing in common, horseback riding!
(Above) is a picture of her and her horse :) I probably screamed very loudly when i heard this... lol
And this is a pic of my host parents :) I am deeply grateful that this amazing family has opened their arms and their home to me. They don't even know how they have made my biggest dream come true!
LASTLY! I have figured out what school I will attend in Salta, Argentina. It is a private catholic school and the campus is gorgeous. You can see more about the school at their website, http://www.colegiobelgrano.edu.ar/